Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Utilizing Web 2.0 in the Classroom

I believe that an education course can effectively integrate blogs, twitter and other current technologies to benefit the students and teacher. We have already been exposed to many benefits that technology has brought through the use of email and online course studies allowing test taking, videos and communication without the need to be in the classroom solely listening to lectures or reading powerpoint presentations.

Now with the implementation of blogs and Twitter educators can expose their students to these new forms of technology in addition to the face to face communication already given in classrooms.  According to The Daily Orange article Classroom Technology Effective when used as Additional Tool educators have concerns about students seeing the advancements in technology as a way to justify not needing to come to class as often. I would look at these advancements in technology as a modern teaching tool and another method to use for reaching more students.

Communicating through discussion boards and blogs is a way to share ideas and opinions that you may not have had the opportunity to do in class or may have not felt comfortable or even have thought of at the time. It can keep the learned classroom material at the forefront of  the students thoughts and really get some interesting comments and feedback from others on different topics.

Just from the limited participation in this class I can say that people should embrace this change and figure out even more ways to use these tools.

Laura Johnston


When did it become acceptable to turn on your four ways and drive whatever speed limit you feel like going?.....ANNOYING!!!!

And as long as we are on the subject of driving why do people drive under the speed limit when they are in front of you but when you go to pass them up they speed to make it difficult for you to get away from them.

My personal favorite bad driving move is attempting to make a left hand turn from the far right lane; clearly having no concern for the rules of the road or any of the other cars on the road that you will force to pay extra attention to traffic since you don't seem to concern yourself with avoiding accidents.

I can go on an on about bad drivers but I will have to save some venting for others too.