I have always been personally inspired by those who have the ambition, courage and ability to think outside the box and follow through on the implementation of their ideas. An article on the Huffington Post "The Power of Skype to Inspire a New Generation of STEM" is an amazing example of how people can inspire others through innovative ideas.
STEM education is an acronym for the fields of study in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The term is used to address education policy and curriculum choices in schools from kindergarten through college to improve competitiveness in technology development.
The Huffington Post article talked about how teachers are using Skype to bring unique learning opportunities across all fields and from around the world to the classroom. Skype gives students the ability to personally interact with Marine biologists, Soldiers, mystery guests, you name it. Combining creativity, technology and education is a brilliant way to open the eyes and minds of students and educators. This hands on type of learning can be used to compliment the classroom lessons and cannot compare to the singular focused learning methods for inspiring the student to seek out more information about what they just learned.
It is great to see the learning and sharing of ideas across the fields of study. Combining creativity and innovation is a powerful tool. It will be exciting to see the future of possibilities.
I think skype is an great idea because of how it has brang people together from all of parts of the world that people couldn't fathom communicating with each other at that type of level and i cant wait to see what else the future has when it comes to communication.