Monday, April 7, 2014


Cyberbullying is using the Internet or cellphones to intentionally harm or harass others.
It has become more and more common among teenagers and schools are now trying to educate students and parents about Cyberbullying to help try to control it. According to the New York Times article I read Girls Suicide Points to Rise in Apps used by Cyberfullies a 12 year old girls Rebecca Sedwick committed suicide after being bullied in text messages and on the Internet. Despite her families awareness and attempts to correct the situation Rebecca started using social media apps that weren't as popular or apparently not as sophisticated in addressing the possibility of cyberbullying. There are so many different applications, technology and methods of social media that it is hard to know exactly who is doing what.  Cyberbullying can be negative comments on facebook or texts, sending pictures that show others in a bad light with the intention of bullying them. People should definitely be accountable for their actions via social media or in person. I'm glad that the schools are involved in educating our children however it is the parents responsibility to teach their children right and wrong and accountability.


  1. I read the same article you did. Yeah with all these apps and social medias kids now a days want to be on the internet more because of the popularity of the social medias. I agree with you on the point that parents should be teaching their kids about this, and not only schools.

  2. Yes it is sad how often cyber bullying is causing some kids to commit suicide, but as you mentioned parents should be responsible and teach their children. Also parents need to become more aware of their child's problems and take action before it is to late.

  3. I agree with both Milton ans Johnny on their thoughts of parents being more acquainted with the risks of social media, but i also think that the parents of these bully's should be held accountable as well in some aspect as well. it seems like the victim and their families are the ones who are being isolated in the problem and the bully's are never really punished unless actual charges are brought against them.
